Elemental Blooms are Tempting Flowers That Sprout Deadly Magic

Those who wander through the wilderness, during their adventures in the worlds of Dungeons and Dragons. The thick jungles of the world are the home of uncountable beasts and numerous plants. In the worlds of D&D, this nature can have an added layer of danger and uncertainty.

In such places of natural growth, but places with immense magical energy can sprout elemental blooms. These plants are rare and have dangerous effects if those who don't know how to handle them tries to pluck their corollas.

Elemental Blooms

Magical energy is common in the worlds of Dungeons and Dragons. Not including spellcasting characters that bring the magic where they go. Magic permeates the world, and can spill out of gaps through Ley Lines or borders with the other worlds. It's on this border that Elemental Blooms grow.

A collection of elemental blooms, and the deadly magic within - Fantasy Plant by Robin Mosher

A collection of elemental blooms, and the deadly magic within - Fantasy Plant by Robin Mosher

To date, six breeds of Elemental Blooms have been found by adventurers and catalogued by botanists. Each bloom grows to around ten inches tall, with a thick stalk that takes on the colour of the essence inside. A character proficient in the Nature skill would recognise these plants with a DC 10 Nature check, and then would have the knowledge of how to handle them.

Once a creature gets within 5 feet of the bloom, the plant has 1d10 – 3 (minimum of 1) rounds until it detonates. During this time, the glow within the plant begins to flicker, faster and faster until it becomes a solid colour (which is when it detonates). A player can use their action on these rounds, as though it were combat, to do one of the following two actions (any attempt to attack the plant will cause it to detonate):

Elemental Bloom Effects Table Generated With Homebrewery

Elemental Bloom Effects Table Generated With Homebrewery

Dash: the character moves their speed in a direction away from the plant (handy if they're unable to stop its detonation).

Pluck: the character makes a DC 10 Nature check. They make this check with advantage if they are Proficient in Nature. On a success, mark it down. On a fail, mark it down and the DC increases by 5. After three successes, the plant stops thrumming and the light inside goes down. After three failures, the flower detonates in a 10 feet sphere.

These flowers are invaluable for alchemists and herbalists. As reagents for countless Rare or better potions, farming these flowers is a rare skill and a demanded service for those willing to commission adventurers into the wilderness. The following table shows all the different species of Elemental Bloom, what happens when they detonate, and a brief description of how they all appear.

Now we want to hear from you. Would your characters seek out these plants for alchemy or profit? What other strange flora is in the worlds you GM? Let us know in our discord server or in the comments below.

Adam Ray contributes much for adventurers here on Apotheosis Studios. As co-founder of fantasticuniverses.com, they write about card gaming and PC gaming to a corner of the internet he carved out themselves. On Youtube, they can be found game mastering for No Ordinary Heroes, or editing the antics on The Hostile Atmosphere. Find where they dwell by climbing their Linktree.