Feel the Sun's Holy Light Basking in The Solar Aspis

The Paladin is a beacon of justice for many figures across the worlds in Dungeons and Dragons. It's the duty of the holy knight, sworn to the ideals of the gods, that they defend those that they travel with, the realms they defend, or the vagabonds they inspire with the powers of dark forces.

A common domain for certain gods are gods of the Sun. Be it Apollo, Helios, or Freyr from our world's myths or Dol Arrah and Pelor from D&D, we are inspired by the sun. For those few Paladins who inspire the gods that bathe the world of our favourite table top role playing game, a blessing to defend themselves and others may have this blessing bestowed unto them.

The Solar Aspis

An Aspis is a very archaic design shape of a sword. Favoured by older civilisations in both our world, and within Dungeons and Dragons, the Aspis is a circular, small shield, often made of wood and coated in a stronger metal like brass or bronze. Shields like this were favoured by Amazons or other warrior tribes who fight in a skirmisher style, and wish to stay safe but mobile.

Macedonian Shield by Hellenic Art

This Solar Aspis has the same reputation. A small, light shield favoured by the fighter who moves quick and strikes hard. The brass that this shield has been hewn in is crafted by the hands of the gods. The user of this shield is a bulwark against darkness.

The user and wielder of this shield can defend themselves just as well as with a broad or kite shield. In addition to this, the shield protects the user from the harshest magical elements. The most potent ability that this shield bears is the essence of the sun itself. The Paladin can unleash immense holy light that temporarily blinds the enemy and deters undead.

The party may find this treasured shield in a holy enclave, or a solar observatory left over from a distant land. The shield is a worthy gift for someone devoted to the gods of the sun and the staunch defenders of the faith.

Solar Aspis Stats Generated With Homebrewery

Solar Aspis Stats Generated With Homebrewery

Now we want to hear from you. Would your Paladin use a shield like this? What holy magic items have you introduced to worlds you DM? Let us know in our discord server or in the comments below.

Adam Ray contributes much for adventurers here on Apotheosis Studios. As co-founder of fantasticuniverses.com, they write about card gaming and PC gaming to a corner of the internet he carved out themselves. On Youtube, they can be found game mastering for No Ordinary Heroes, or editing the antics on The Hostile Atmosphere. Find where they dwell by climbing their Linktree.