Got a fun update for you all! NEAR-FINAL COVER ART! 

David and I have been going back and forth both internally and with our awesome printer, Mark Vierra of and have near-final cover art to share! 

Cover for the Standard Edition Book:

1 - StandartEdition-Cover.JPG

For the Standard Edition, an image of Digital LEX will be silver foil stamped on a 3mm ESKA board on faux black cloth background!

Cover for Special Edition Book:

2 - SpecialEdition_Cover.JPG

For the Special Edition, A close up of Digital LEX will be gold foil stamped on our super special Tungston Metal-X over 4mm ESKA board!

Cover for Special Edition Slipcase:

3 - Special_Slip case.JPG

The slipcase will also be gold foil stamped on our super special Tungston Metal-X metallic material and feature all three of our characters models! So excited for this one!

David and I have been working full time for over 7 months now and we are so excited to finally be able to see everything taking shape! Apparently, that feeling is contagious, because in addition to pre-orders on our website, we have recently had a folks want to upgrade their order from Standard to Special Edition, and if any other people are interested in upgrading just message us directly!

Cover Next Steps:

4 - Template_Draft_SpecialEdition_BookCover.JPG

Our next steps for the cover include making sure David's super cool PDF Vector Image fits our cover template correctly so we don't encroach on the wrap around fold edge or bleed too much on the hinge grid. We also are in the process of working on the spine text and back info blurb, too. All in all, we still have a lot more work to do, but everything is coming into shape very nicely! We still are working out exact printing dates with Mark, but feel that our launch date of early fall is very doable.

Other Cool News:

We are particularly excited about a fall launch because there is a very big international fall Comic-Con where we'd very like to officially launch The Last Amazon. Even better, this convention has selected us for a special showcase booth for new and upcoming talent in the comic/graphic-novel world, which is a huge honor. I can't say any more until we finalize the details, but only 8 entries are allowed in this special space, so it's a huge honor to even be considered! 

We are so thrilled The Last Amazon has is making this kind of splash even before it's released and are so thankful you all took the chance to allow us to make this book! We know you will be blown away by TLA's story and art and are so grateful for your support!