The Paladin Strikes Hard and Guards well with The Rebellious Guardian

The beacon within the rebellious guardian defends the faithful - art by warriors_territory

The beacon within the rebellious guardian defends the faithful - art by warriors_territory

The life of adventure is constantly under threat. It's dangerous out there, take this. Each class has their own reason to go out and pursue the crusading life, but few have as many reasons to literally crusade as the Paladin.

The Paladin is a bastion of their cause, a beacon of holy (or unholy) justice. They charge out unafraid, so it's only natural for them to want to be as well suited and well armed for their many holy quests as possible. The Holy Avenger is a classic from the original books in 5th Edition, but there are always further ideas to expand into. When a Game Master like me sees excellent artwork, there's always something to create.

Guard the Faithful – Rebuke the Aggressive

The Rebellious Guardian is the name of an old, heavily enchanted sword held by only a few Paladins in the service of their gods. Rebellious is the attitude that these Paladins have in the face of danger. Insurmountable odds means nothing to a Paladin who face their fate head on.

The Guardian is a sword that can appear or be crafted at any size. It's heavy to hold despite its size, and hits hard. The Paladin usually rebels against the thought of being slowed or taking damage, and the essence of the Rebellious Guardian kicks in. A great shield encircles you, protecting you from further attack for a time. While shielded this way, the essence of the rebel fills you with strength and helps you hit harder. It's in the Paladin's nature to defend their allies, and this weapon can follow that will. The Paladin may choose to have their shield go to an ally who needs it far more than they do.

Good Aligned deities often bestow this sword blessing to their most diligent followers. The Paladin that tows the line between staunch guardian and reckless combatant would be able to put The Rebellious Guardian to good service. Often this can be found in religious themed dungeons, deep in the crypt of underground, abandoned temples or holy sites. Upon completing a quest to root out such a location or in the defence of a holy site, a Paladin true to their faith can easily come upon arms like this.

Rebellious Guardian Stats Generated with Homebrewery

Rebellious Guardian Stats Generated with Homebrewery

Now we want to hear from you. Would your Paladin wield a weapon like this? Which other class weapons could be this cool? Let us know in our discord server or in the comments below.

Adam Ray contributes much for adventurers here on Apotheosis Studios. As co-founder of, they write about card gaming and PC gaming to a corner of the internet he carved out themselves. On Youtube, they can be found game mastering for No Ordinary Heroes, or editing the antics on The Hostile Atmosphere. Find where they dwell by climbing their Linktree.