You Must Repent - A Review for 'Lawful Good Paladin'

Creators have endless tracts of material to inspire their Dungeons and Dragons games. It's essential for game masters to find new beats to challenge their players with and exciting possibilities to explore the strange worlds they create. Even a DM who plays games from world books or written campaigns are encouraged to bring something new and exciting to the established adventure.

With all these stories in your games, it's no wonder that very powerful movie makers can take those stories to another form. We've been covering the YouTube Comedy series All For One by Deerstalker Productions. They turn the best of D&D's memes into comedy gold, and the latest episode is no different. Watch it for yourself right here!

our anti-heroes seem to be in a spot of bother - image by Deerstalker Productions

our anti-heroes seem to be in a spot of bother - image by Deerstalker Productions

The Good, The Bad, and The Lawful

The trope of the squeaky clean, Lawful Good Paladin is on trial here. Rather, she's putting the heroes on trial. It's not a secret that the adventurers in this series walk the path of the hyper destructive murder hobo that fills a lot of the game's discourse. The murder hobo trope is something I actively try to avoid in my games, by making sure the player's bonds are strong, that they're tied to a home base, and that law enforcement in the setting is actually competent.

As for the heroes in this slice of comedy gold, the Lawful Good Paladin is insisting they burn at the stake for their numerous misdeeds. It's not hard to see that they have transgressed greatly. The build up of more and more ridiculous crimes that the heroes are accused of is what adds further and further to the humour. I love this series, as in it's core, it gets down to old fashioned, farce comedy. It's hard to pull that off these days without cringing, but the charm of the production and the quality of the show to make it feel so very TTRPG makes it feel new.

I find it unexpectedly satisfying to see both Avandra and Andrius, the female warrior and the male bard, have their own romantic infatuation towards the dreamy paladin. Effortless and unapologetic queer representation is so important and something that I think the world needs more of. Of course, the rigid and devoted to justice paladin is committed to the cause of justice.

Lusting over the Paladin, Mostly - Image by Deerstalker Productions

Lusting over the Paladin, Mostly - Image by Deerstalker Productions

Awful Good

The tropes that a player can think of are endless, and it can truly lead to immense comedy. I can always count on Deerstalker Productions to do their best with such fond D&D memes. I'm sure that the series is starting to draw to a close, which makes things truly sad, but great things can't stick around forever. It makes it more special while they're here.

Now we want to hear from you. Have you caught the series, or Deerstalker Pics' other works? What other TTRPG live action shows should we turn our eyes to? Let us know in our discord server or in the comments below.

Adam Ray contributes much for adventurers here on Apotheosis Studios. As co-founder of, he writes about card gaming and PC gaming to a corner of the internet he carved out himself. On Youtube, he can be found game mastering for No Ordinary Heroes, or editing the antics on The Hostile Atmosphere. Find where he dwells by climbing his Linktree.