Silver Elementals - The Dancing Blades of Death

Elementals are a pillar of fantasy and science fiction, and a personal favourite of mine. It's such a powerful image to be loomed over by a being made of twisting flame or crumbling stones, knowing that something very strange brought one of the building blocks of the universe to life.

The classic elementals are usually comprised of air, earth, fire, and water, or some combination. Storytellers and Game Masters choose these elements as they were believed to be the building blocks of matter according to alchemy. There are other key elements that have that treatment in alchemy, namely the seven metals. Those could, in my mind, become elemental creatures too. Find more elementals creatures right here.

Silver Elementals

The close cousin to the gold elemental, is the noble but vicious silver elemental. Their connection to the changing phases of the moon make silver elementals attune to magic and mysticism. They're regarded with high respect to those that practice ancient magic and many druidic circles.

The silver elementals moving as one - First Sliver's Chosen by Steven Belledin

The silver elementals moving as one - First Sliver's Chosen by Steven Belledin

Silver elementals resemble great multi limbed serpents. They're otherwise devoid of features that would give other elementals a sense of approachability or some semblance of humanity. Their limbs are razor sharp, and they move with remarkable speed. Their ferocious nature and precision with the bladed limbs makes justifiably feared in the many environments they could be found in.

Silver is a metal with many magical properties. It's used in rituals and to aid the casting of spells, and it is the bane of lycanthropes and devils. This magic is inherent in the silver elemental. It gives the creature a resistance to magic much in a similar way to the lead elemental.

The silver elemental did not always exist as the ruthless predator on the fringes of humanoid societies it was today. Earliest accounts state that this being was a bringer of wisdom and ally to the benevolent, metallic dragons. Their bodies being made of a precious metal saw the first civilisations slaughter them in droves, which tainted their psyche towards calculated violence towards humanoids, unlike the reclusive and rarer gold elementals.

Silver Elemental Stats Generated with Homebrewery

Silver Elemental Stats Generated with Homebrewery

Shining Death

The silver elemental is a wandering monster that would draw a high price by monster hunting societies as the act of killing one would pay for the guild's expenses for many years. The singular threat of one silver elemental makes them a force to fear, but their willingess to cooperate makes them an additional threat to any civilised place.

Now we want to hear from you. Where would silver elementals strike in your campaign setting? How do you imagine other metallic elementals? Let us know in our discord server or in the comments below.

Adam Ray contributes much for adventurers here on Apotheosis Studios. As co-founder of, he writes about card gaming and PC gaming to a corner of the internet he carved out himself. On Youtube, he can be found game mastering for No Ordinary Heroes, or editing the antics on The Hostile Atmosphere. Find where he dwells by climbing his Linktree.