Merry Solstice! ALL The Red Opera Writing is Done!

Tonight is Solstice -- the longest and darkest night of the year -- and as Rick Heinz so eloquently put it, "While Jupiter and Saturn are making out in the sky, we have just finished ALL of the writing for The Red Opera!"

You heard us right, folks! We are so very excited to officially announce that all our writing is done! A HUGE round of applause to Rick Heinz (our lead writer), Pat Edwards, Court Penney, 2CGaming, and all our stretch goal writers and professional partners, too! So very awesome!

Although we still have more art to do, as you can see above and below, everything is coming along really well and we are right on schedule! Feels good to be on track and have this writing milestone completed! 

Additionally, we just wanted to say, on the darkest of nights, before the light once again returns to The Shadelands, THANK YOU to all our backers and supporters! 2020 was a really hard year for our planet, but YOU have given us hope that light will return, and for that, we are eternally grateful! 

So, if you wish to join us in the Solstice and Holiday celebrations, along with exclusive behind the scenes art, AND RED OPERA PLAY TESTING, then just click HERE to join our Discord server! We have over 530+ people in our growing community and want YOU to join us! It's a lot of fun and you can even pledge yourself to one of our many unique Patrons and get EXCLUSIVE TTRPG content to download immediately! Seriously, Join Our Discord, you won't regret it!

The Red Opera RPG Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition

So, bundle up for this dark Solstice night, but know that light is coming back, even if that light is the fire breath of a hungry dragon~