Blackstorm Realms - Kickstarter Spotlight

You know what’s cooler than a fun, original new sandbox-style world to adventure in?

…Infinite fun, original new sandbox-style worlds to adventure in. Well, that’s exactly the kind of potential Jetpack7 is bringing to the table with their latest 5th Edition offering: Blackstorm Realms


Would you look at that big bad behemoth?! That right there is a Celestial Leviathan, and it offers fast, efficient travel between the endless worlds of Blackstorm Realms. Essentially, what Jetpack7 has done here, is create a fun, effective mechanic for a seamless multiverse gaming experience. Official 5E realms, third party content, and even your homebrew campaigns can be plugged in to this total and complete universe of worlds. But don’t worry, you won’t have to totally build out your multiverse alone. The book will include At least three new realms/worlds for you to explore.

And as far as other original content, they’ve created a new system of player customization and crafting called Aparatum: Think of them as mechanisms that can enhance your character's body and mind ...but there are risks that balance out the gifted power.

Two provided examples of this customization feature are:

The Black Tongue (Profanus Aparatum) This Profanus Aparatum replaces the bearer’s tongue, or in the event that they have no tongue, gives them a new one. The tongue allows the bearer to drink and eat any edible foodstuff; rancid, poisoned, it makes no difference. If the bearer eats or drinks any poison it is stored in the tongue and can be used as a short-ranged breath weapon. 

The Velvet Clutch (Divinus Aparatum) This replaces one or both of the bearer’s hands.  The clutch gives the bearer unparalleled touch sensitivity. A rogue using the clutch can feel every click of the tumblers as he picks a lock, feel every imperfection in a hallway in looking for a secret door. 


And, of course, they supply you with a convenient and smooth mechanism for travel between all these realms, and even have a whole galaxy-spanning conspiracy with good guys and villains to fight, join, bribe, betray, hide from, and maybe defeat. …. oh, hell yeah!!! I mean look at this:


I mean… what is that? Dwarves?! In space?! Mining a floating asteroid that’s chained to another, larger floating asteroid holding up a city all while wearing magical bubbles, presumably to help with breathing?!?!

Sign me up, yesterday

So sprint your little internet selves other to their Kickstarter campaign today and check out:

Blackstorm Realms

Take Care, Owlbear


Featured Images: Jetpack7

Patrick Edwards is the co-writer of the upcoming 5E Campaign, The Red Opera, as well as the writer of the Space Tripping series of novels. Check him out on Twitter @ThePatEdwards or his website