Hexplorer - Kickstarter Spotlight

Hexplorer - Kickstarter Spotlight

Now, more than ever, getting yourself and your friends fully immersed in a gaming session can be a challenge. There are many tactics your party can take to help, whether it’s mood-setting music and sound effects, turning your phones off, locking the office door, or even dressing in character. Visual aids are another strong tool that can help with party immersion. If players can see the setting, it can make it much easier to act as if they are there. This is where Hexplorer, the debut offering from Headless Hydra Press, comes into play.

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Lucky Devils & Witchy Ways - Kickstarter Spotlight

Lucky Devils & Witchy Ways - Kickstarter Spotlight

Gaming is awesome. We all love going on legendary adventures with our friends. But even in non-pandemic times, it can be a challenge to consistently get a group of friends together. Many folks out there are finding themselves with a lot more time alone. Some are tending to new gardens, while others have decided to attempt creating sourdough starters… good lord, I’ve seen so many sourdough starters on my social media feeds lately. There is also one mentally stimulating and timeless activity I think we can agree never fails to be enjoyable: curling up with a good book…. or in this case, two good books.

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Dragonflight - Kickstarter Spotlight

Dragonflight - Kickstarter Spotlight

Look, friends, dragons are cool. Don’t roll your eyes at me. You know it. I know it…

Yes, we’ve all seen countless iterations of these majestic and terrifying creatures represented across every medium imaginable. Movies, TV Shows, books, comics, video games, obviously table top games… We’ve seen good dragons, bad dragons, intelligent insightful dragons, dumb brutish dragons, dragons of literally every color imaginable. There’s a reason for all of that. There’s a reason they are the most iconic symbol for an entire genre. There’s a reason the word Dragons is in the title of the world’s most popular role playing game. And that reason is:

Dragons. Are. Cool.

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Dark Matter - Kickstarter Spotlight

Dark Matter - Kickstarter Spotlight

There’s a reason the most popular table top gaming system in the world in set in a sword & sorcery universe. All that being said, there’s only so many variations on battling evil necromancers and exploring abandoned dungeons that one can experience before feeling a desire for something wholly different. Well, fear not, my friends. There’s another genre of entertainment out there that most fantasy fans also enjoy… of course I’m talking about Science Fiction!

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Top 6 Best Games for Dog Lovers on Kickstarter

Top 6 Best Games for Dog Lovers on Kickstarter

As you know, Kickstarter hosts many projects that are both creative and meaningful. Over the years, Apotheosis Studios has highlighted crowdfunding campaigns mostly within the RPG, videogame, graphic novel, Dungeon and Dragons, and roleplaying domains. However, we also are dog lovers, too! Because of this, we now are excited to host a guest post by Eva Greene of Doggytalent.com that showcases some wonderful crowdfunding projects which feature our faithful, four-legged, furry friends! So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the top 6 best Kickstarter campaigns and games for dog lovers!

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Nightfell - Kickstarter Spotlight

Nightfell - Kickstarter Spotlight

I think we all can agree that “preventing a world-shattering cataclysm” is the most commonly used arc in fantasy role-playing games. Be a hero! Save the world! We see it time and time again. And for good reason, it’s fun to be the world-saving hero. The stakes are obvious and formidable. But what if our plucky band of heroes didn’t save the world? What if they failed, and the villain’s evil schemes came to fruition? What happens after the world is quote-unquote destroyed?

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Your Friend is Sad - A "Last Chance" Kickstarter Spotlight

Your Friend is Sad - A "Last Chance" Kickstarter Spotlight

It feels like so often, the gaming world is always trying to out-epic itself. Ever increasing the intensity of game play. Don’t get me wrong, I truly love going on legendary adventures. But sometimes you just want a nice helping of gaming comfort food. And that’s what Your Friend is Sad is: Gaming Comfort Food.

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IT Startup - The Card Game: Kickstarter Spotlight

IT Startup - The Card Game: Kickstarter Spotlight

The card game for DEVs, HR and IT enthusiasts. 💾 Turn coffee into code, watch out for burnout! As you know, we are always on the lookout for awesome Kickstarter crowdfunding game campaigns. But to find a game about making a game (or an IT startup at least, the startup can be making a game, like us, if you want!) was pretty awesome. IT Startup is a game about leading a software company, fraught with all the trials and tribulations which that entails. You play software developer cards which enables them to build your project and you can increase the efficacy of your developers by teaching them new skills and abilities. Check it out!

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Wretches & Rewards - Kickstarter Spotlight Bonus Post

Wretches & Rewards - Kickstarter Spotlight Bonus Post

One aspect of RPGs I particulary enjoy is what I like to call the '“trinkets”… Swords of Infinite Sharpness… Rings of Psionic Power… a staff that turns everything it touches into rice pudding… I love it all. As the late poet Notorious B.I.G. once said, “Gimme the loot”

Well, all you Loot Lovers out there are in for a real treat. Wretches & Rewards by Anthony Woods and Co. is the big box of trinkets you’ve been waiting for.

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Alice is Missing - Kickstarter Spotlight

Alice is Missing - Kickstarter Spotlight

The number one question I ask myself when considering a Kickstarter campaign for a spotlight article is What’s unique about this? I’ve browsed over plenty of games and source books that look quite fun and well-made, but didn’t seem to offer anything we all haven’t seen before. The absolute opposite end of that spectrum is Alice is Missing by Hunters Books. This campaign punches you right in the face with a fistful of inventive and original ideas.

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Rise of the Ice Dragons - Kickstarter Spotlight

Rise of the Ice Dragons - Kickstarter Spotlight

There are many possible reasons as to why a particular RPG funding campaign catches your eye. Some of those reasons are quite tangible such as a new DM resource that helps you run your games or a new original character class that you absolutely HAVE to play. And then there are those times when it’s not glaringly blatant as to why you’re drawn to a new piece of RPG content. All you know is that you want it. You must have it. You can’t wait to play it.

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