But Lands Have No Power - Review for 'Magic in the Forgotten Realms'

Just when you thought the there was no more One for All, one comes along very all of a sudden. Is it an obvious sponsor video, yes. Does it have the same level of care and immensely polished production value that we've come to expect from Deerstalker Productions? Also yes.

We've covered the immense and highly exciting Dungeons and Dragons themed Magic the Gathering cards at great length. The recent changes and attitudes held by those who produce and develop the cards has lead little old me into playing Magic less and less. This single drop of cards has sparked my love for the game so much. At the same time, the upcoming changes and new, digital cards coming to Magic Arena in a few short weeks.

For now, let's talk about how my new favourite indie film creators handled my old favourite card game. Watch it for yourself right here.

A deadly game of cards - image by Deerstalker Productions

A deadly game of cards - image by Deerstalker Productions

Magic For One

This episode features the ladies and the familiar villain from the Roll to Seduce episode. The battle of wits style of encounter is at play here. We don't get the classic chess or checkers one would have against Death, we instead get the most complicated game in human history.

It's incredibly satisfying to see Magic being played as a plot point in a high fantasy situation. All For One has towed the line between meta jokes and fast pace witty comedy in its storytelling.

It makes total sense that Nixie, a spell caster in the stories is the one that has the best skill in a game based around Magic. There's something incredibly satisfying, while watching or playing, to see an immense chain of plays happen concurrently. It's lead to some of the most memorable times I've had in Magic. I'm known as the monster who played Narset, Parter of Veils in response to a Hydroid Krasis. I do miss that Standard.

Deep in the strategy tank - image by Deerstalker Productions

Deep in the strategy tank - image by Deerstalker Productions

Magic For All

When a creative team this well trusted is sponsored in this way, it's satisfying to know that the big ups support creators like this to bring my two favourite games together just as well as Wizards did. I watch the sponsored content of only one other creator, cos they make their advertisements fun and a little scary. When it's done this well, how can I say no to my two favourite games coming together again in such a satisfying way.

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Adam Ray contributes much for adventurers here on Apotheosis Studios. As co-founder of fantasticuniverses.com, they write about card gaming and PC gaming to a corner of the internet he carved out themselves. On Youtube, they can be found game mastering for No Ordinary Heroes, or editing the antics on The Hostile Atmosphere. Find where they dwell by climbing their Linktree.