The Villain Being Villainous - Review for 'Big Bad Evil Guy'

Endings are sad, but something that happens in every story. In a game of Dungeons and Dragons, stories end when the grand villain is revealed and the final battle takes place. In the hilarious season finale of All For One, we don't fight some final enemy. We fight the Big Bad Evil Guy.

This season closer has arguably some of the finest whiplash verbal comedy, and sudden turns for the hilarious, that I couldn't help but explode with laughter. The series could not have ended in a fitting or stronger way. Watch it for yourself right here.

The final battle has heated up for our heroes - image by deerstalker productions

The final battle has heated up for our heroes - image by deerstalker productions

No Ordinary Boss Battle

We have counted very well on All For One fitting their comedy around the known and loved tropes of our favoruite TTRPG. The episode opens with our heroes finding themselves in the middle of a ritual done by the eponymous BBEG. The trope of a big, but obviously evil guy, is common and beloved. I personally try to avoid these in my games, but they're fun, and sometimes necessary. The show does the wonderful job of subverting us, by playing it in the common way – that they're someone the party should know. Should being the operative word.

The one two punch of consecutive verbal jokes are my absolute favourite, probably in the entire series. I've never heard wizards and coast being worked in so naturally, then followed up by the fact the same actor plays the DM and most of the NPCs. We're treated to some of the finest comedy in the history of the show and I love it.

It's here at the season's end that we have to wonder why this journey feels so fun. It's all incredibly relatable according to each of our experiences playing TTRPGs. As a long term Game Master, I can truly relate to the frustrations and rage our DM character feels. The difference is to never feel such rage. Go along with the hi-jinks your players create. It will always make your games stronger.

End of Session - image by Deerstalker Productions

End of Session - image by Deerstalker Productions

Closing the Show

This marks the momentous end of a great third season. Though the story so far is concluded, the way ahead for them. The assistance of Screen Australia and their upcoming Kickstarter should secure a Season 4 just as soon as they can make it. We eagerly await the next load they seek to bring out, and will cover it very closely, along with retro reviews of their older episodes right here on the Apotheosis Studios blog.

Now we want to hear from you. Did you love the third season of All For One? What other DnD media like it should get this much love? Let us know in our discord server or in the comments below.

Adam Ray contributes much for adventurers here on Apotheosis Studios. As co-founder of, they write about card gaming and PC gaming to a corner of the internet he carved out themselves. On Youtube, they can be found game mastering for No Ordinary Heroes, or editing the antics on The Hostile Atmosphere. Find where they dwell by climbing their Linktree.