The Conversing Titan Knows Full Swathes of the Universe's History

The Keepers are ancient and forever, constantly obeying the tides of existence that breathed them into being. Keepers embody an aspect that ties together the collective unconscious of thinking beings. All people from every civilisation have added their thoughts and feelings about a certain thing to the many Keepers in the mutliverse, even without their knowing. As long as something is abstract and known by the majority of conscious beings, there will be a Keeper incarnation of it.

We've seen the slow marching progression of time, the vision that guides people onto a task, and the unnatural aggression that leads people to do terrible things. The Keepers in their essence, represent things and their actions in the world act to just be. With the exception of the Bearer of Disintegration, the other Keepers proactively spread their will of inspiration and warfare. The Conversing Titan is no different.

The Conversing Titan

The Conversing Titan is an immense being and acts as the Keeper of conversation and communication.

It roams where it wants to, hearing everything that has ever been said - walking archive by heather hudson

It roams where it wants to, hearing everything that has ever been said - walking archive by heather hudson

The Keeper stands twenty feet tall, and is made of a disorganised collection of papers, scrolls, books, and documents. It walks with an immense rustling and tearing sound, leaving trails of tattered papers in its wake.

Its body is a consistent repository of more information that could possibly contained on that much paper. Every spoken conversation that has ever happened, or is currently happening is written somewhere in the Keeper's body. The knowledge is written in a language that has never been translated or written down. A tongue that's native to no one but is possible for anyone to understand. The longer a person looks at the symbols, letters, and pictograms on the sides of the Keeper, their senses will haze over then it becomes legible.

There's more there than can be read. The Keeper also holds the secrets and mysteries that were thought of and speculated, but never said aloud. The schemes between insidious people discussed around a fire. All those times a person's tongue slipped and they thought “I can't possibly mean” that, even though they did. All those thoughts and feelings are written somewhere in the Keeper's paper body.

Scrivener of Eternity

For some characters, simply knowing that this Keeper exists is tantalising enough to want to find it. Its entire body is made of secrets and knowledge. Its blood is the ink that writes these secrets out. Adventurers scour the multiverse looking for The Conversing Titan. One page could add up to a conspiracy that could unravel an entire nation. Or, more likely it's an elderly man who lives alone talking to the air to help him find his keys.

Conversing Titan Stats generated on Homebrewery

Conversing Titan Stats generated on Homebrewery

In any case, hunting the Keeper for the secrets its body is made of would be folly. The Conversing Titan cannot divulge any part of the writing that makes up its body much in the same way you can't reach inside yourself and hand over your bones. If the Keeper is destroyed, the pages that make up its body persist for a time, but any new writing stops. Adventurers have a short window to search and salvage the pages before they disintegrate, reforming wherever the Keeper has reformed. This naturally makes The Conversing Titan very reclusive, sitting quietly on the edge of reality, listening intently to a podcast themed around the universe.

Now we want to hear from you. What would The Conversing Titan have written that would draw your players? Where would they find it, and would they have a chance to be gifted knowledge from it. Let us know in the comments below or on our Discord server.

Adam Ray contributes much for adventurers here on Apotheosis Studios. As co-founder of, he writes about card gaming and PC gaming to a corner of the internet he carved out himself. On Youtube, he can be found game mastering for No Ordinary Heroes, or editing the antics on The Hostile Atmosphere. Follow his Twitter @IzzetTinkerer.