D&D's Magic Cards - It's Time to See Legends

The most ambitious crossover in the history of Wizards of the Coast continues. Adventures in the Forgotten Realms is previewing more and more cards for the latest Magic the Gathering expansion, which is finally bringing the legendary D&D setting to my favourite card game.

We've seen the firs glimpse at some of the new cards on a previous article, including the Chaotic Evil goddess of the dragons. We have fewer cards to show off today, however, they're all characters with deep lore going back to the formation of Dungeons and Dragons.

Just like in the previous post, I'm going to talk about their D&D significance, but how well they'll play in the many different game formats of Magic.

Pick A Card

We start with the legendary king of the Dwarves. The high power to low toughness on a 4 mana Dwarf puts him on the more aggressive end. There is already a great deal of Equipment support in the current Standard, from Zendikar with cards like Maul of the Skyclaves. This free equipping will be quite valuable in a Red/White Warrior Equipment deck.

As for Commander, he holds the same Boros flavour as the likes of Akiri or Jor Kadeen, and will work leading similar decks.

Bruenor Magic cards

Bruenor Magic cards

The subject of numerous novels has finally made his way onto a Legendary Creature card. He's also the first creature card to sport the “Ranger” card subtype, which is an amazing precedent. Will they save it just for him, or will they errata some old Scouts to Rangers?

As a card, he's very interesting. He comes with his panther companion, as all rangers should, and that synergises with his consistent growing ability. Stacking up counters on this Double Striking threat will be a welcome challenge, and may put him at the top end of Standard creature midrange, or at the very least another beater in deck like Atraxa.

Drizzt Magic Cards

Drizzt Magic Cards

All Hail Spider Mommy! The immense demonic queen of spiders gets the Planeswalker treatment. Which means there was a possibility that she was summoned to fight in the War of the Spark? I'll scratch my chin about that later.

The playability of Spider Mom is immense. There are ways to easily emblem and ultimate her when she enters play, just by letting 4+ of your own guys die. She feeds on death. That emblem turbo charges the damage dealt by your attacking force, by ensuring your team always deals at least eight damage. The -3 creates the spiders you'd expect to move with her, but I'm equally surprised she doesn't create Yochlol's.

Lolth Magic Cards

Lolth Magic Cards

Collected Company

Legendary characters have translated perfectly into Magic from the Forgotten Realms. The alternate art versions feature art much like the original source books, while our lady of the spiders looks resplendent in full art. As exciting it is to see these cards, I'm personally hoping to get as much substance as style. I'm eager to see the more mundane cards that fill out a set and how they'll translate the best in TTRPG into the best of CCG gaming.

Now we want to hear from you. Are you excited to see the cross over of D&D and Magic? Which characters and items do you want made into cards? Let us know in our discord server or in the comments below.

Adam Ray contributes much for adventurers here on Apotheosis Studios. As co-founder of fantasticuniverses.com, he writes about card gaming and PC gaming to a corner of the internet he carved out himself. On Youtube, he can be found game mastering for No Ordinary Heroes, or editing the antics on The Hostile Atmosphere. Follow his Twitter @IzzetTinkerer.