Pics Pl0x (The Seventh Age) Audiobook by Rick Heinz and narrated by Lee Francis


Pics Pl0x (The Seventh Age) Audiobook by Rick Heinz and narrated by Lee Francis


Who ever said vampires weren't into gaming? As the world crumbles around Akira, reeling from the mass reveal of undead, she competes in an E-Sport tournament for a lifetime chance to paradise. As the toxicity levels rise during the rounds, Akira begins to contemplate the age old question of undead gamers everywhere... "Why can't I just thin the herd a bit?" An apocalyptic tale of video game revenge and greasy fast food (for vampires).

Pics Pl0x was written by Rick Heinz, voiced by Lee Francis, and produced by Apotheosis Studios. You can find this and other works in the seventh age series at and

Pics Pl0x (The Seventh Age) Unabridged Audiobook. Length: 35 mins and 48 sec. Rick Heinz (Author), Lee Francis (Narrator), Apotheosis Studios (Publisher)

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