Your Friend is Sad - A "Last Chance" Kickstarter Spotlight

Your Friend is Sad - A "Last Chance" Kickstarter Spotlight

It feels like so often, the gaming world is always trying to out-epic itself. Ever increasing the intensity of game play. Don’t get me wrong, I truly love going on legendary adventures. But sometimes you just want a nice helping of gaming comfort food. And that’s what Your Friend is Sad is: Gaming Comfort Food.

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Wretches & Rewards - Kickstarter Spotlight Bonus Post

Wretches & Rewards - Kickstarter Spotlight Bonus Post

One aspect of RPGs I particulary enjoy is what I like to call the '“trinkets”… Swords of Infinite Sharpness… Rings of Psionic Power… a staff that turns everything it touches into rice pudding… I love it all. As the late poet Notorious B.I.G. once said, “Gimme the loot”

Well, all you Loot Lovers out there are in for a real treat. Wretches & Rewards by Anthony Woods and Co. is the big box of trinkets you’ve been waiting for.

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Alice is Missing - Kickstarter Spotlight

Alice is Missing - Kickstarter Spotlight

The number one question I ask myself when considering a Kickstarter campaign for a spotlight article is What’s unique about this? I’ve browsed over plenty of games and source books that look quite fun and well-made, but didn’t seem to offer anything we all haven’t seen before. The absolute opposite end of that spectrum is Alice is Missing by Hunters Books. This campaign punches you right in the face with a fistful of inventive and original ideas.

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Rise of the Ice Dragons - Kickstarter Spotlight

Rise of the Ice Dragons - Kickstarter Spotlight

There are many possible reasons as to why a particular RPG funding campaign catches your eye. Some of those reasons are quite tangible such as a new DM resource that helps you run your games or a new original character class that you absolutely HAVE to play. And then there are those times when it’s not glaringly blatant as to why you’re drawn to a new piece of RPG content. All you know is that you want it. You must have it. You can’t wait to play it.

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